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School bus in a sentence

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Sentence count:65+3Posted:2017-08-09Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: schoolboyschoolbagschoolbookschool boardschoolin schoolat schoolgo to schoolMeaning: n. a bus used to transport children to or from school. 
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31. A field of enormous white microwave dishes, each large enough to cradle a school bus, is set on a hill.
32. By law, cars cannot pass a school bus while it is stopped.
33. For two hours the 12-year-olds, working in teams, pushed a D class lifeboat round the school bus park.
34. He still drives his school bus, and, with each stop, he has a story to tell.
35. Despite the day, a school bus was lined up in front of the museum.
36. Several local businesses have made contributions towards our new school bus.
37. They reminded me of three little schoolboys I had just seen earlier this morning, waiting for the school bus.
38. Inevitably, the kids on the school bus would get nailed.
39. But most students take the school bus to school.
40. The school bus is free.
41. What bad luck ! I've missed the school bus.
42. What is the school bus schedule?
43. Beverages are not allowed in the school bus.
44. Tonka is famous for using standard colors on its toys[], mostly school bus yellow.
45. One day I stopped to let a school bus turn onto a side road.
46. Bob Riley speaks for the American School Bus Council, an industry coalition.
47. Imagine the amazement and delight of my classmates when I had a couple of dogs and a sheep run to meet me at the school bus!
48. The girl in the school bus with the red hair is Tom Hanks's daughter Elizabeth.
49. The school bus leaves at six sharp and won't wait.
50. In the meantime, each school school bus must set unified label, provide lash-up rescuing material.
51. A school bus has been involved in a collision with a tanker.
52. [ Miles ] It tastes like the back of a fucking L . A . school bus.
53. Our School is located close to Tiu Keng Leng MTR station. School bus service is provided.
54. The school bus fee is non-refundable and non-transferable, except in the situation where the school cancels the service.
55. Parents are encouraged to keep in contact with school bus monitors in case buses are late.
56. "The hero in the movie escaped from invading Japanese forces by putting a wood-gas powered engine in a school bus and escaping with a busload of orphans in a bus powered by coconut shells(," he says.
57. Add in extracurricular activities, and the school bus system becomes the single largest public transit system in our country.
58. I was waiting for the school bus but it didn't come.
59. Secondly, should take the lead in solving problems in school bus bus protection.
60. Free school bus system and bus systems, only to a certain extent, make up the deficiencies.
More similar words: schoolboyschoolbagschoolbookschool boardschoolin schoolat schoolgo to schoolpreschoolschoolingplayschoolprep schoolhighschoolschoolmateschoolyardhigh schoolinterschoolafter schoolschoolmasterriding schoolmedical schoolschool newspapernursery schoolschool districtcharter schoolprivate schoolprimary schoolgraduate schoolboarding schoolsecondary school
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